
JAKARTA - Mineral magnesium plays several important roles in the body. Low levels of magnesium in the body can cause a number of symptoms. And according to the Maryland University Medical Center, anxiety is one of the symptoms.

This shows that magnesium supplements can reduce anxiety, but according to the University of Michigan's Health System, this proof of therapeutic benefits is still weak.

There are several dose guidelines, but consult your doctor to get guidance on whether magnesium supplementation is appropriate or not and how many doses.

Austrian researchers conducted experiments to test the idea that magnesium shortages affect mood. Research published in the December 2004 edition of "Neurophharmacology" examined the effects of magnesium diets on mouse behavior. They observed this change in diet led to an increase in behavior related to anxiety and depression.

A study published in the January 2009 edition of the "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry" found a strong correlation between magnesium intake and depression levels in adults living in the community. The relationship between magnesium and anxiety is weaker and not statistically significant".

To that end, it remains unclear whether magnesium really helps reduce anxiety, but as a supplement that is generally safe, it doesn't hurt to try to consume.

According to the University of Michigan Health Center, daily doses are safe for consumption to help deal with anxiety are 200mg to 300 mg. If you have heart disease or kidney disease, don't take magnesium supplements without consulting a doctor first.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, magnesium intake should not exceed 350 mg, which is a safe upper limit in this regard, according to Beth Israelsamaess Medical Center.

Make sure you get enough vitamin B-6 either through a diet or supplement because inadequate levels will reduce magnesium absorption. Magnesium may inhibit the absorption of several antibiotic classes, so you should take these supplements one hour before or two hours after taking the drugs.

Consuming a larger amount of magnesium can cause a calcium deficiency if your magnesium levels in the body are not sufficient. Consider checking your calcium levels before using magnesium supplements.

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