
JAKARTA - The famous lawyer Hotman Paris celebrated his 64th birthday on Friday. In this event, Hotman Paris invited approximately 1000 children with special needs and singer Princess Ariani.

However, on one occasion, the lawyer, known to have many personal assistants, announced about his current health condition. He said he had to put a ring in the heart due to blockages.

"Yesterday suddenly checked, although there were no symptoms, suddenly three rings had to be ringed in the ring so it was only two weeks ago in ring 3. (After being installed) the doctor said the blood was smoothly maintained," said Hotman Paris in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, Friday, October 20.

Initially, the owner of the real name Hotman Paris Hutapea felt pain in the back of his ear which finally made him decide to check at the hospital. After checking, it turned out that myang's blood vessels were almost broken.

"So at that time I checked the doctor because I was sick in the head of the MRI, it's okay, finally try CT scan, blood vessels like 3/4 are already dangerous, some have almost broken up for four hours in the action room," continued Hotman.

"His hands were tied with a tool, there was calcification, it was mobile from the outside, but what I was afraid was that there was a blood vessel that was almost broken. I was afraid that when the needle entered the blood would come out, for four hours I asked every fifteen minutes, 'Has it broken yet?'," joked Hotman.

No kidding, to carry out this operation, Hotman Paris admitted that the cost was Rp. 500 million. Fortunately, all the costs that must be spent are paid directly by his client.

"At that time it cost almost 500 million, who paid for my client," said Hotman.

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