
YOGYAKARTA Having oily and acne facial skin certainly needs to be treated appropriately. Otherwise, acne can get worse until it interferes with your activity. Acne on the face, generally experienced by oily skin type. Even though the skin type is normal, it also has acne. However, for oily skin, acne is easier to grow when it is complacent, not maintaining cleanliness or treating it with a certain skincare formula. According to science, you need to be grateful for having oily skin types and easy to grow acne. Why? This is the reason why oily and acne skin is not bad.

A study published in 2016, reported by All Women's Talk, Monday, October 9, showed that acne people may have protection against aging and help them look younger. Theoretically, the system that triggers acne also slows down aging. This slows skin aging and looks youthful.

Research published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, reports that people with oily skin appear to have fewer wrinkles than those with dry facial skin. However, until now dermatologists are not sure why this is happening.

Extensive research was conducted, researchers found people with oily skin who have a more familiar protective cover on chromodynamics. Cover the shield or called this telomer, is responsible for maintaining DNA. When the telomer worsens with age, as will your skin, it will decrease in beauty. Because oily skin has long telomers, the skin looks younger over the years.

Questioning genes, it cannot be rejected. Including for G53 gene owners whose path development is slower for acne facial skin owners. This gene is associated with cell death and accelerating the aging process. That is, if you are currently in acne, you may still look young when you reach old age.

If you are currently prone to acne, you can allocate self-care time by treating acne. Because the skin needs to be treated properly, it means using a cream that aims to reduce and cure acne. Keep in mind, never press acne because it can leave scars and will not make the skin look youthful.

More than that, do a good facial cleansing routine. That is, use skincare and cleaning that is formulated for your skin type. If acne cannot be controlled, consider getting recommendations and suggestions from a dermatologist.

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