
JAKARTA - Many people choose to do some nightly routines before bed that relax their bodies, such as a warm bath, drinking a cup of tea, or reading a book. In fact, activities that are carried out at night before bed greatly affect the health of the thyroid gland.

The small butterfly-shaped endocrine glands located on the neck have an important function for overall body health. In addition to controlling metabolism, thyroid is also important for other body functions such as breathing, digestion, brain development, and fertility.

When your thyroid gland is in good health, your entire body will work well.

In this article, Deena Adimoolam, MD, an endocrinologist and internal medicine New York City-based expert, reports Livestrong, Thursday, October 5, sharing six tips on the night's routine that you can do from now on to improve thyroid health.

Filling your dishes with vegetables is one of the best habits you can do as an effort to maintain health, including thyroid health. The reason is, vegetables are rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation of the body.

If the body experiences chronic inflammation, it has the potential to affect the thyroid, thus contributing to chronic diseases such as joint inflammation, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Although there is no specific food that can prevent (or cause) thyroid problems. And there is no conclusive data that shows a special relationship between anti-inflammatory food and thyroid health, Dr. Adimoolam still recommends daily consumption of vegetables.

Although vegetables can fight inflammation, there are some foods and drinks that can trigger them such as soda. Overabundant sugar consumption can trigger inflammation, according to Harvard Health Publishing. And as previously mentioned, chronic inflammation can affect thyroid.

Drinking sweet drinks is also associated with gaining weight, obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic disorders, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So, for better thyroid and overall health, avoid drinking soda and maintain water or drink consumption without sweeteners.

Apparently, eating seafood for dinner can help support the health of your thyroid. Because the fish are full of nutrients needed for the thyroid to function properly.

For example, a lot of food from the sea provides large amounts of minerals such as selenium, iodine, and zinc. This mineral is important for the production of thyroid hormones, especially for those who are known to have thyroid disorders, said Dr. Adimoolam.

Sea food (especially yellow-fin tuna) is a very good source of selenium, while zinc is naturally found in Alaskan king tiramers and crabs, he said.

Likewise, fish such as cod, shrimp, and tuna contain healthy amounts of iodine, according to USDA.

If you are sleep deprived, the body cannot carry out activities properly. The same applies to the thyroid gland. A study in July - September 2021 in sleep Science describes researchers finding that people with sleep problems experience a significant increase in certain hormones in their thyroid function tests. So from here it can be concluded that poor sleep quality affects thyroid hormones.

The relationship between sleep and thyroid health may have something to do with stress, says Dr. Adimoolam. Lack of sleep burdens your body and causes stress. And high stress can have a negative impact on your thyroid function, according to El important Health.

Stress can also worsen thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, based on the November 2022 paper on "Medical Science Monitor".

"Improving sleep will reduce stress on the body, thus allowing organs such as thyroid to function properly," said Dr. Adimoolam.

To improve overall health and quality of life, he recommends sleeping at least seven hours a day.

Traveling after dinner is a simple strategy that can support thyroid and overall health. Exercise in general has benefits for the whole body, helping all body systems, including your thyroid, to function as well as possible, says Dr. Adimoolam.

Walking provides several benefits such as reducing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, strengthening bones and muscles, and helping to maintain ideal weight, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Walking can also improve mood and reduce stress. Because being physically active can reduce stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, and increase endorphins, which are brain chemicals that make the mood good, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Any activity that calms down and reduces stress can be beneficial for the body, including thyroid, says Dr. Adimoolam. That's why night meditation is another amazing way to reduce stress levels that can interfere with thyroid health.

A large number of studies have shown that mindfulness meditation - which involves focusing on current moments and breathing - is very effective in reducing the body's response to stress (and increasing anxiety and depression), according to the American Psychological Association.

Even taking a few minutes to meditate helps you relieve stress, clear your mind, and calm yourself down before bed. In addition, meditation can even help you sleep better.

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