
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through Kedaireka officially opened the acceptance of the 2024 Matching Fund Program proposal. This activity was marked by Soft Launching online on Monday, October 2, 2023 by the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Kemdikbudristek RI, Nizam.

Soft Launching activity was also attended by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Education and Technology, represented by the PPK of the Didi Rustam Intensive Fund Program and Higher Education and Industry personnel. Then the presentation of the substance and structure of the proposal was submitted by the Participation Fund Substance Team for the 2024 Setyawan P. Sakti.

The funding allocation that has been prepared by the Directorate General of Education and Technology for the Kedaireka Association Fund 2024 has reached a total of IDR 750 billion. The Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Nizam said that the funds are expected to be optimally absorbed to produce more brilliant works and the synergy of pentahelix innovation (the spirit of the Merdeka Campus) really has an impact on the progress of the nation and state.

The proposed proposal theorem is still focused on five research/rekacipation priorities to support Indonesia's economic transformation. Namely the Green Economy, Blue Economy, Digital Economy, Strengthening Tourism, and Welfare Independence. The hope is that with these themes, the Kedaireka Association Fund Program will increasingly eliminate and the problems experienced by the industry will immediately advance to the research agenda at universities," said Nizam.

The Proposal Proposal for Kedaireka Funds for 2024 Higher Education Personnel together with DUDI partners can submit a Proposal Kedaireka Association Fund proposal for 2024 through the Kedaireka website during the period 1 31 October 2023. Furthermore, the Dec Dec Proposal Evaluation stage on 1-10 November 2023 and the Announcement of Proposal Evaluation Desk Results on 13-15 November 2023. Then it will be continued with a Proposal Presentation on 20-30 November 2023 and Announcement of Proposal Presentation Results on 2 December 2023. The next stage is Verification and Evaluation of Budget Feasibility on 4-15 December 2023 and Determination of Funding Recipients on 20 December 20, 2023.

The 2024 solid fund program was launched in early October, so that proposals can be immediately designed, submitted and evaluated this year as well. So that the implementation of the program in 2024 can run more optimally and has sufficient time to be implemented.

Through this program, lecturers in the country are given the opportunity to collaborate to produce creative works that are solutative and innovative in the midst of community needs and challenges.

Nizam added, "We hope that the Kedaireka 2024 Association Fund Program will provide solutions for DUDI and the community and have an impact on economic, social, cultural and technological progress in society and DUDI."

"We also hope that the commitment of the DUDI partners is truly concrete, which is certainly adjusted to the capacity and form of nature of each of these partners. This is to ensure that the program implemented can be used to advance our economy and socio-cultural society," said Nizam.

Matching Fund (Matching Fund) 2023 Followed By 5,652 Proposals

PPK Program Dana Padanan Didi Rustam said that the implementation of the 2023 Padanan Fund (Matching Fund) involved 5,652 proposals that registered. Of the number of incoming proposals, 2023 has increased from previous years, namely 1,273 proposals in 2021 and 4,767 proposals in 2022.

With the high enough interest of Dikti people, we carry out a selection process consisting of several stages. Then from year to year there is an improvement in services for Dikti people and proposers through a simpler, more effective and efficient process. This is done in order to get a more quality proposal.

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