
JAKARTA - Management and the Assessment system of the Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) continues to be developed and perfected. Finally, starting this year, all FFWI Juries are free to watch participant films in 2023 anywhere for free. The entire cost of purchasing a movie ticket is borne by the FFWI committee.

This system will make it easier for all judges to watch FFWI participating films in theaters. Whenever you want to watch, please, as long as it's still showing in theaters," said FFWI XIII President Wina Armada Sukardi.

Through this system, according to Wina Armada, there is no longer any reason for the Jury not to watch participant films. "At FFWI, judges who do not watch participant films are prohibited from giving an assessment of the film," said Wina.

Head of FFWI XIII's Judging Division, Tertiani Simanjuntak, explained that this system can be passed because there is good cooperation between the FFWI committee and the owners of the cinema network.

"All films watched by the FFWI Jury are still paid to the cinema by the committee. But the judges themselves are free," said Tertiani.

The mechanism, added Tertiani, is that the FFWI committee will provide tickets to the Jury who will watch the pesert film. So the judges did not pay any fees at all, aka free.

"Anyway, we make it easy to watch members of the jury to watch all the films participating in this year's FFWI," he said.

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