
YOGYAKARTA When experiencing stress, it is most commonly recognized when you are easily tired. In addition, emotional conditions can also mark stress conditions. Stress is emotional stress or mental stress, which is common to many people. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the average stress level of adults in the United States is 5.1 on a 1-10 scale. Well, too much stress is recognized from the following signs.

Anxiety is different from depression because it is characterized by extraordinary feelings of fear and fear. However, as with depression, research shows stress may be associated with anxiety disorders. Launching Healthline, Sunday, September 3, researchers found that people with high levels of work stress are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression.

When you are more angry than usual, it can mark being stressed. Various strategies can help control the level of anger. Such as relaxation techniques, problem solving, and communication are methods to relieve anger. By doing this method, in addition to reducing anger, it also reduces stress.

For those of you who are in pairs, this sign may affect harmonious sexual life. Research shows that high levels of cortisol when stressed, lead to lower levels of passion. To reduce the vulnerability of intimacy, couples need to improve communication aimed at restoring a positive feeling of sex.

If you have difficulty concentrating and become forgetful, stress may be one of the causes. According to research, certain hormones after stress or traumatic events can damage memory. So, changing your lifestyle can help increase memory. Such as maintaining a balanced diet, keeping your mind active, avoiding negative activities, and getting enough rest.

Stress in the brain may play a role in the development of addiction. According to the researchers, chronic stress can change the physical nature of the brain so that it encourages behavior that forms habits and addiction. Experts have long linked stress and compulsive behavior, including addiction disorders and consequences for physical health.

Many emotional effects of stress can make you feel as if you are experiencing sudden mood swings. A study examines the role of stress on psychology, mood, and cognition. The study shows that social and physical stress triggers can have a major impact on emotional well-being and mood. So with the many signs of emotional stress above, you can easily see the effect of stress on the overall mood.

By understanding emotional symptoms that mark stress in the explanation above, you can take certain steps to manage them. But if you have difficulty managing the emotional aspect of stress, you should contact a mental health expert.

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