
YOGYAKARTA In teaching discipline at home, or making a limit on which one is allowed and not done at home, rules are needed for children. They may be free to jump happily on the sofa, hit the pot until it is curved, but there are limits they must understand. Well, to set the rules clearly, it is important for parents to understand the types of rules in the house that children need. What are the types? This is the full explanation.

Security rules include physical and emotional security. When children feel safe, they can focus their energy on exploring talent and the environment. Physical security includes not jumping around on chairs or sofas. In addition, make rules when home people do daily treatments, such as bathing. That is, when bathing you have to be with a closed door to ensure personal safety.

Meanwhile, rules related to emotional security include children who can express feelings but with respect and use good words. For example, when angry, they are not allowed to damage goods at home, but can express their anger with good words.

This type of rule, instill values and morals in your children. This type of rule includes apologies when making mistakes, not hurting others, being honest, and treating others fairly. It is important for parents to set examples that are in line with the rules made.

Children will do their best if they have a routine and structure. So, make rules that encourage your child to develop daily habits. For example brushing teeth after dinner, putting dirty clothes in baskets, and others. Launching Verywell Family, Wednesday, July 12, creating healthy habits and routines make them independent to meet their own needs.

Children also need the rules they learn about social skills. Including how to behave with older family members or peers. For example, in interacting with older people, using polite and polite language. While everyday language can be used when talking to peers. In addition, children also need to be taught to share, queue, or take turns while playing games.

Children need a regulation that will help them prepare to become adults. Set rules that teach life skills, this will be useful after they are independent later. This type of rule, among others, behaves responsibly, completes tasks, and other additional rules. A small example in teaching this skill, gives them the responsibility to manage pocket money. Then, teach about money so that they learn to save and spend money wisely.

Those are the five types of rules that children need at home. To make a list of rules, write them down and place them in places that are easy to see. So, to be effective, give children space to provide suggestions, input, and be a good role model for them.

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