JAKARTA - Wulan Guritno and Sabda Ahessa are known as couples who do not hesitate to express intimacy, either through social media or in public. Their relationship with age is quite far, not infrequently making netizens jealous.
However, recently Wulan Guritno was rumored to have ended his romance with Sabda Aheesa. The mother of Shaloom Razade was seen deleting the photo of Sabda Aheesa from her Instagram account.
In his latest upload, Wulan is known to be visiting Surabaya to work on his own without being accompanied by Sabda.
Wulan uploaded a photo of herself in a room alone. He seemed to enjoy the moment.
"It's a perfect sing," wrote Wulan Guritno in his upload caption, Monday, July 3.
In another upload, Wulan, who is still taking pictures alone in different clothes, said that he would go elsewhere to continue his work.
"Thank you Surabaya, the business here is over, moving to the city again to the next job," wrote Wulan Guritno.
However, there is a photo of Wulan's togetherness with the remaining Sabda. The photo was taken when Wulan played in the event Tiba Tiba Tennis.
On the other hand, Sabda Ahessa was also seen deleting photos from Wulan Guritno from her Instagram account.
It is not certain what Wulan Guritno and Sabda Ahessa both mean deleting photos from their moment of togetherness.
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