
JAKARTA - Research has proven that the practice of mindfulness does not only change a person's personality to be better, calmer, and happy. But also make the individual a better partner in a romantic relationship.

The mindfulness effect is not aspirational, but biological. Where, regular mindfulness exercises can change chemicals in the brain and strengthen your ability to improve relationships with your partner.

Munni, a mindfulness coach in Ohio-American as reported by Relish, Tuesday, June 20, said that mindfulness is a practice of focusing attention on currently. Practice this method in relationships means you are able to attend today and help you accept your partner completely.

Here are four ways of mindfulness working to improve relationships:

Practice mindfulness for 8-10 weeks can change the area of emotional regulation in the brain. Amigdala is part of the brain that brings itself into a fight or flight reaction with a silent or angry response. The practice of mindfulness is able to reduce the volume of the amigdala so that it affects the way you respond to unpleasant things that sometimes occur in relationships.

Studies prove that training mindfulness is able to improve connectivity between the prefrontalis and amygdala cortex. So that there will be less hatred and revenge towards your partner. If this is the case, the communication between you and your partner will be better and minimize the occurrence of explosive communication.

Regular mindfulness exercises also change other parts of the brain called insula, parts related to compassion and empathy. This can help you see your partner with affection, not from the point of view of competition. And allow you to freely express warmth, love, and kindness to your partner.

Changes to the anterior cingulate vortex that regulates self-awareness will occur in individuals who practice mindfulness. These changes help you shift your focus on finding faults and shortcomings in your partner in your own mistakes and shortcomings. As well as looking for solutions to correct chaotic situations and improve your own quality.

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