
JAKARTA - The humorousness of the pair Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono has returned to the public spotlight. The couple who got married at the end of 2022 became a conversation because of protests from his wife.

Erina Gudono protested that many media still used old photos of Kaesang Pangarep. He had no problem with the news content, but he regretted the use of his husband's photo.

"Yes, it's okay, all online media offline if you want to muji / vilify Mas Kaesang is okay, as long as the content is not used old photos before the marriage, which are very ajfieiwjwsosxix," Erina Gudono tweeted via her Twitter account, seen Thursday, June 16.

Meanwhile, the reason for his request was because he felt that Kaesang's face had changed better after getting married. Erina seems to want her efforts to help Kaesang look brighter to be appreciated.

"He's been struggling to talk about a little glow up, a 34x photoshoot but the old photo is circulating. Let's go," continued the finalist Puteri Indonesia 2022.

Erina also attached two photos from her husband, one of which was a photo used in the marriage book.

"This one is okay, a little better than the previous one," wrote Erina.

Because of his tweet, Erina Gudono had become trending on Twitter for a while.

Until this writing was written, there was no reply from Kaesang for his wife's tweet.

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