JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina are known to be building a new house. The man nicknamed Sultan Andara often makes content on the development of his house on the Rans Entertainment YouTube channel, Thursday, 9 February.
Most recently, Raffi showed an elevator for car parking at the top of the house. Not only does the elevator looks luxurious, the parking lot for Raffi's luxury cars can also rotate according to the position of the elevator.
However, it takes longer time to go up and down the parking lift, Nagita also reminded Raffi to be patient in the future. Later, the luxury car park will look even more luxurious with the lighting installed around the walls.
Not only for cars, but there is also an elevator for humans that Raffi and Nagita also tried. Because it wasn't perfect yet, Gigi was afraid when she tried and immediately hugged Raffi Ahmad.
Even though she was scared, Nagita Slavina couldn't hide her happy smile after arriving at the top floor and the elevator was running smoothly.
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