
JAKARTA - Are you familiar with the term strict parents? If not, strict parenting is a parenting style in which parents are often too strict, demand standards, and provide high guidance for their children.

If authoritative parenting can produce good quality children. Strict parents actually make children depressed and unresponsive. In addition, there are more characteristics of children with strict parents. Like what? Read more below.

It's hard to believe in yourself

The constant criticism you received as a child from your parents can make you feel that what you think, feel or do will always be wrong. It's no wonder you tend to often doubt your own abilities. Generally, you will experience this as you grow older.

Hesitate to face new challenges

Self-doubt and low self-esteem make it hard for you to trust your ability to face new opportunities or challenges. Finally, you always choose to play it safe and are reluctant to try new things for fear of failure.

Hard to recover from mistakes

Humans make mistakes, but when the fault is yours it feels like confirmation of your shortcomings. Even a simple mistake can remind you of all your past failures as your self-esteem plummets.

Perfectionist tendencies

Your attempt to be a perfectionist is not because you want to achieve satisfaction. It's the fear of messing things up or your flaws being exposed. You often feel pressured when something goes out of your control.

Takes a long time to complete the task

Since you strive to be a perfectionist and avoid mistakes, it is likely that it will take you a long time to complete a job. You even miss deadlines because you try to complete the job as perfect as possible.

Rarely takes compliments seriously

When you get a compliment, you often take it as criticism and deflect it as something negative. For example, when someone compliments the new clothes you are wearing, you will say that the clothes are actually not your favorite. Somehow, you will neutralize every positive side directed at you.

Range is depressed

Negative self-talk and feeling incapable of doing new things can cause you to tend to suffer. If you often experience this, then gradually depression can hit you.

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