JAKARTA - Have you ever been in a situation that made you hate yourself, either because of a failure or a past event that made you unable to forget and continue to curse? Then it could be that you are facing Self-Loathing.
Self-Loathing can develop over time. The trigger can be more than one factor, such as past trauma, perfectionism, trapped by false hopes, to not getting support from the social environment, relatives, and even family.
Living with self-loathing is exhausting. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to calm inner wars and negative thoughts in a positive way. Citing Verywellmind, Tuesday, May 31, there are at least four ways to overcome Self-Loathing.
Calm self-criticism
When you feel Self-Loathing, your mind never stops having a dialogue to hate yourself. When hateful voices arise in your mind, try to calm yourself down and slowly differentiate between feelings and facts.
Gather your strength
Identifying your strengths can help reduce self-hatred. If you find it difficult to figure this out on your own, consider asking someone else for help. Because sometimes judging yourself is better than what others have done.
Learn to accept compliments
If you view yourself in a hateful way, it's likely that you will have a hard time accepting compliments. Even a compliment may feel so foreign and uncomfortable that you will either ignore it or minimize it to avoid feeling vulnerable.
Learning how to receive compliments takes a lot of work, especially for those who already hate themselves. The next time someone compliments you, try saying "thank you." Resist the urge to follow up with self-criticism or disparaging responses.
Forgive yourself
You have to learn to forgive yourself and realize that what happens and what you expect doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. If necessary, you can also go to professionals.
But most importantly of all that you are going through is a process that will give you many advantages if you look at it from a positive point of view, and will be negative if you look at it from a different perspective.
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