JAKARTA - Head of Bank Indonesia Banten Representative Imaduddin Sahabat stated, based on data from the Banten Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS), gross regional domestic product (GDP) of Banten Province grew 4.97 percent or reached Rp204.03 trillion in the third quarter of 2023.
"BPS released the Banten Province GDP beyond the national and highest on the island of Java. Banten Province grew 4.97 percent and nationally grew 4.94 percent. This shows that in Banten Province, we need to encourage export alternatives," said Imaduddin, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 7.
So far, he continued, Banten has only adhered to exports of steel and footwear.
So other superior products in Banten must be encouraged, this will contribute very well to Banten Province for its economic growth.
"Of course BI really supports the downstream program in Banten Province. Downstream is expected to be able to produce good products and be able to penetrate the export market. To contribute to the economic growth of Banten Province," he said. Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Banten Al Muktabar admitted that he was grateful for the economic growth achievements of Banten Province.
This achievement makes the growth of the Banten Province PDRB above national and highest growth on the island of Java. "We get information, the growth of the Banten Province PDRB exceeds national growth. This is part of the commodity contribution we are developing," he said.
Al said the commodities retailers owned by Banten would be encouraged to downstream which is the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.
"We will take that. Hopefully, there will be more commodities and more road maps for our lives," he said.
The growth of the Banten Province PDRB in the third quarter of 2023, in terms of production, the transportation and warehousing business fields recorded the highest growth of 11.58 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was owned by the total export net component of 41.47 percent. Banten economy in the third quarter of 2023 against the previous quarter grew by 0.73 percent.
In terms of production, the highest growth business field was achieved by the Electricity and Gas Procurement business field at 3.24 percent.
Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Total Net Export Component experienced the highest growth of 4.03 percent. As of the third quarter of 2023, the Banten economy experienced a growth of 4.80 percent.
In terms of production, the highest growth was achieved by the transportation and warehousing business fields by 13.88 percent.
In terms of expenditure, the total export net component experienced the highest growth of 25.34 percent.
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