Press Carbon Emissions, Tata Metal Lestari Implements Carbon Border Mechanism Technology At Light Steel Plants
Light steel industry/ Photo: IST


JAKARTA - In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the iron and steel industry is asked to be an example in implementing sustainable principles and playing an active role in minimizing environmental impacts in its growth and development.

The Director General (Dirjen) of the Ministry of Industry for Metal, Machinery, Transportation and Electronics (ILMATE), Taufiek Bawazier, said that the industrial sector is targeted to achieve carbon neutrality or Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2050. This target is accelerated from the national NZE target by 2060. And the steel industry is one of the sectors that is quite considered in this decarbonization plan.

Tantangan pada industri baja ke depan tidak akan mudah. Artinya ke depan kita akan mengejar target Net Zero Emissions. Pemerintah sudah melancankan 2060 yang kemudian dicepat menjadi 2050. Dengan begitu harapannya agar industri baja bisa bertransformasi. Transformasi ini butuh teknologi, perlu kekuatan, dan skill dari sumber daya manusia untuk bisa mengikutnya. Ini tentu akan terus kita mendorong agar terrealisasi target-target itu, terang Taufiek lagi.

Vice President of PT Tata Metal Lestari (Tatalogam Group), Stephanus Koeswandi explained, regarding the implementation of the Tatalogam Group green industry, it has always prioritized Green Industry in their production activities.

So far, Stephanus continued, there have been 3 pillars that have been promoted and applied to the company he leads. The three pillars are zero emissions, waste management, and the last is the use of wiser energy. These three pillars are applied in the Phoenix Project.

We have also implemented the three pillars in this green industry in the construction of the color coating line factory that we have just inaugurated. We invest in environmentally friendly advanced technology machines that use RTO. That way, machines can move the heat that was already used so that it can be returned so that the energy used is much less. Second, we install solar solar solar solar solar solar solar panels or panels on roofs with a total capacity of 1 mega watt which is now mostly used for this coating process. The goal will be that these products that we produce can be used throughout the world, especially in Europe, which is currently implementing CBAM or Carbon Border Mechanism," explained Stephanus.

Stephanus admits, in the steel industry, the implementation of the green industry is still a challenge. Because the steel industry is one of the industries that pollutes the environment. For this reason, he hopes that the government will be more careful in accepting investments, especially investments from abroad that do not follow environmentally friendly standards.

That way, Indonesia can avoid the entry of used machines that are no longer suitable for use but are still forced to operate so that in the end it causes pollution and emissions in this country.

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