
The Perum Institute for Indonesian Aviation Navigation Services (LPPNPI) or AirNav Indonesia noted that the company's receivables from a number of national and international airlines reached Rp1.52 trillion.

"Deceivables have accumulated mainly due to COVID-19. The composition of receivables is IDR 1.52 trillion," said AirNav Indonesia President Director Polana Banguningsih Pramesti in a meeting with Commission XI of the DPR, Monday, September 18.

Polana also detailed that the composition of this receivable consisted of 76 percent of domestic airlines and 24 percent of foreign airlines. The total receivable is an accumulation from 2018 to the Second Quarter of 2023.

Referring to Polana's exposure material, this number of tweets continues to increase. In 2018 it was recorded that it was still IDR 819 billion, this receivable also increased to IDR 1.52 trillion in the third quarter of 2023.

"We divided receivables from bigger than 1 year and smaller than 1 year," he explained.

Pola revealed that almost all domestic airlines or airlines have arrears or debts to AirNav. However, he said, some of the receivables had been restructured.

Garuda has been restructured based on PKPU, Citilink has also been restructured, and no. Lion Group also has Lion, Batik, Wings also has receivables. Almost all Indonesian airlines. Air Asia, Sriwijaya, Super Air Jet and Susi Air," he said.

Apart from domestic airlines, said Polana, there are also a number of foreign airlines that still have debts to AirNav. However, said Polana, the average airline has stopped operating.

"For example, there are Indonesia AirAsia Extra, Tigerair, Orient Thai Airlines, Air Born Indonesia, Air Cargo Global, there are 16 (airline)," he explained.

Even so, Polana emphasized that his party continues to collect the obligations of the airlines. He said AirNav also involved the Attorney General's Office.

"We are still billing them, they are still being billed. Cooperation or requesting the support of the Attorney General's Office to settle the airline's receivables," he said.

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