
YOGYAKARTA - Many people prefer to work as freelancers because they can work flexibly, can work from anywhere and anytime, and are not tied to a company. In addition, freelancers can also earn more income if they get clients from abroad. So how do you get clients from abroad for freelancers?

Freelancer work appears along with the development of digital technology. The openness of internet access allows one to work from anywhere and at any time, with only communication via the internet. Even now there are many freelancers who work for clients from abroad.

Freelancers are more interested in taking jobs or projects from foreign clients because the pay is higher. Freelancers will get a salary or payment in dollars and of course, the nominal value is greater than rupiah. However, freelancers must know tips to be able to build networking with clients from abroad.

How To Get Clients From Overseas

Not all clients can easily get job offers from foreign clients. Even though it's now very easy to find projects from abroad through social media, not all freelancers will be accepted. Here are tips for getting clients from abroad for freelancers.

Mastering Foreign Languages

The first key to getting clients from abroad for freelancers is the obligation to master foreign languages, especially English. When taking job offers from foreign clients, you will be required to be able to communicate with these clients using an international language. So if you can start learning or taking English courses first.

Besides English, you can also master other foreign languages ​​to increase your chances of getting clients from abroad. Other languages ​​that are usually required for project bids from abroad are Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

Building a Convincing Portfolio

Before accepting a freelancer, the client will see the freelancer's portfolio first. Through this portfolio, the client will assess whether the competencies or skills possessed by the freelancer are in accordance with what he needs to work on the project offer.

Therefore, you need to build a good portfolio to convince clients that you are worthy of taking the job he is offering. Portfolios are materials or media for clients to recognize the actions and competencies of freelancers. In making a portfolio, you can explain the skills you have, including previous work experience, to achievements that have been achieved.

Building Personal Branding

Apart from creating an attractive portfolio, you also need to build your personal branding to make it easier to get clients from abroad. Personal branding is a way to introduce yourself more easily to clients. From your personal branding, clients will know what skills you have mastered and what areas you are interested in.

In today's digital era building personal branding is very easy. You can take advantage of social media such as Instagram and Linkedin to do personal branding. Through personal branding, you can introduce or post the services you have. Apart from that, you can also show the value or strengths that differentiate your services from other freelancers.

Register for Overseas Freelancer Platform

Currently, there are many platforms to connect freelancers with foreign clients. Several platforms are used to find clients from abroad, including,,, and others. You need to register accounts on these various platforms to offer your services or look for projects from abroad.

Join Freelance Forums and Groups

Another way to make it easier for you to get clients from abroad is to join freelance forums or groups. There are many freelance groups you can join on social media, such as Facebook, Telegram, and LinkedIn. In this group, members usually share and exchange project information with overseas clients.

Attending International Conferences or Seminars

Through international conferences or seminars, you also have the opportunity to get clients from abroad. You can take part in conferences held both offline and online. In the event, you can meet and communicate with many people who have the same interests or needs. In this way, you can offer services or seek projects from foreign clients.

Thus a review of how to get clients from abroad for freelancers. So before looking for clients or taking projects from abroad, the important thing that you have to prepare is foreign language skills, especially English. If you are already proficient in English, then you just have to frequently apply some of the strategies above.

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