
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) plans to issue a circular regarding the Idul Fitri 2023/1444 Hijriah holiday, this coming April.

The circular will later contain protocols that must be implemented by tourism businesses and tourists.

"We will issue a circular letter for protocols that must be complied with, including protocols for health, safety, and the administration of tourism affairs, as well as environmental sustainability," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday 14 February.

Sandiaga said that his party had prepared 15 homecoming posts, including the alternative route across the south. Not only that, but Kemenparekraf has also prepared a monitoring team that will be able to monitor all homecoming activities this year.

"We have to make sure we can bring half of the 1.4 billion movements of domestic tourists with the momentum of the Eid holiday," he said.

Previously, the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) had set 1 Ramadan 1444 Hijri, or the start of the holy month of fasting to fall on March 23. Meanwhile, 1 Shawwal or Idul Fitri 2023 will be on April 21.

"The beginning of Ramadhan, Shawwal, and Zulhijah 1444 Hijriah are based on the results of the ultimate reckoning of the hilal being guided by the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive," said PP Muhammadiyah Secretary Muhammad Sayuti while reading the PP Muhammadiyah Notice at the PP Muhammadiyah Office, Yogyakarta, Monday, 6 February.

Meanwhile, the Government of Indonesia, represented by the Ministry of Religion, has not yet set a date for Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri. Because, the implementation system is by looking at the moon or new moon.

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