
JAKARTA - In order to socialize the Ministry of Transportation's program to reduce the use of private vehicles and switch to mass transportation, as well as reduce emissions, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Land Transportation inaugurated corridor 3 (three) Buy The Service (BTS) Trans Semanggi Suroboyo electric buses, on Tuesday, December 20.

"We know that the Road-Based Mass Public Transport Development Program in urban areas with the Buy The Service (BTS) Scheme, known as "TEMAN BUS", has been implemented since 2020 in 10 major cities in Indonesia, and this is the first in 10 of these major cities. ," said the Director of Road Transportation, Suharto, in his written statement, quoted on Wednesday, December 21.

"Currently, there are 17 electric buses. Later, they will be added in stages. Currently, the car body has produced 53 bus units with priority in two big cities, namely Surabaya and Bandung," he added.

Furthermore, said Suharto, Surabaya became the first city for the development of mass electric transportation because it has a strong commitment and has received a lot of support from various parties.

"Surabaya has a strong commitment, with the support of the Mayor, Regional Representative Council (DPRD), and the local community who are aware of how they are currently trying to reduce the use of private vehicles, so as not to cause severe traffic jams," he explained.

Main Staff of the Minister of Transportation for Land Transportation and Connectivity, Budi Setiyadi, who was also present at the inauguration, said that the Friends Bus Program is supported by telematics technology through the use of a fleet management system, website, executive dashboard, and the Friends Bus application which can provide convenience for regulators, operators, and users, such as getting information in real-time about routes, schedules, and bus positions.

"In addition, you can also use chip-based digital payment systems (electronic payment cards, Mandiri e-money, Brizzi BRI, Tap Cash BNI, and Flazz BCA) and server-based (QRIS)," he said.

Furthermore, said Budi, the government is currently making improvements in urban transportation in Indonesia in accordance with the mandate of the 2020-2024 RPJMN, which has appointed six metropolitan areas as pilot implementations of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), one of which is Metropolitan Surabaya or the Kertosusila Gate.

"As is well known, currently the pre-FS study has started to be carried out through the support of the Green Infrastructure Initiative, which is a bilateral collaboration between Indonesia and Germany. Then, it will be continued with the FS study through the support of GIZ SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS. Later, when all these studies have been Once completed, the DED study and also construction will continue with the support of Germany's KfW Bank," he added.

Meanwhile, Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi said, Surabaya is committed to reducing carbon emissions in the region. Apart from electric buses, Surabaya also plans to use electric feeders.

"We have prepared a feeder, and all of the feeders will be fulfilled by 2024. Some of them we use electricity, that is our commitment," he said.

In 2023, said Eri, all employees at the Surabaya City Government must use public transportation, at least twice a week.

"For a week and two days, civil servants from their homes have to use public transportation by Surabaya or electric buses," he said.

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