
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has announced six suspects in the Kanjuruhan Malang tragedy. One of them is the President Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru, Akhmad Hadian Lukita.

The CEO of PT LIB did not re-verify Kanjuruhan Stadium and instead used data or results from two years ago.

"Responsible for ensuring that every stadium has a proper verification of function. However, at the time of designating the LIB stadium, its functional requirements were not fulfilled and the results of the 2020 verification were used," said the National Police Chief to reporters in Malang, East Java, Thursday, October 6.

Responding to the determination of this suspect, Akhmad Hadian is ready to follow all legal procedures. He also hopes that this can be a valuable lesson.

"We will respect the applicable legal process and will follow the stages of the process that will be passed next. We also hope that yesterday's incident will be a valuable lesson for all," said Ahmad in the official PT LIB website.

Akhmad Hadian was suspected of having multiple articles, namely Article 359 and Article 360 ​​of the Criminal Code related to errors that caused death. In addition, the suspects are also subject to Article 103 and Article 52 of Law No. 11 of 2022 concerning sports.

It was previously reported that apart from Akhmad Hadian, five other people were also named as suspects. They are the Head of the Malang Arema Implementing Committee Abdul Haris, and the Head of the Malang Police Ops, Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto.

Then the Head of Samapta at the Malang Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi, the Brimob Company Commander for the East Java Police AKP Hasdarman, and Security Steward Suko Sutrisno.

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