
JAKARTA - Real Betis defender Hector Bellerin was so emotional during his last home match in La Liga 2021/2022 against Granada, 16 May.

After the match, Bellerin was caught on camera in tears. He was crying because this would be his last home game with Real Betis.

The Spaniard had to return to Arsenal, the club that loaned him to Real Betis. Yes, Hector Bellerin's loan term is over.

Many suspect, Bellerin is difficult to leave Real Betis because it is so comfortable there. He feels right at home thanks to the incredible support from the club, his teammates and the fans.

Actually, Real Betis management wants to keep Bellerin. However, the issue of price seems to be a constraint.

Bellerin's Real Betis teammate, Borja Iglesias, then came up with the idea of launching a crowdfunding campaign for Bellerin. Later, the funds raised will be used to attract the 27-year-old player from Arsenal on a permanent basis.

"Hey! are we open to crowdfunding to keep @HectorBellerin around?" so chirped Borja on his official Twitter account.

"What do you think @aRubial9 (Real Betis winger)?" he continued.

Bek Real Betis, Hector Bellerin, begitu emosional jarena harus berpisah. (Foto: Twitter @RealBetis)
Real Betis defender Hector Bellerin was so emotional that he had to part and return to Arsenal. (Photo: Twitter @RealBetis)

As reported by Mirror, the former Barcelona player also wants to stay at Real Betis. He seems to have understood that he would not get the chance to play at Arsenal.

While at Real Betis, Hector Bellerin often gets the trust to guard the right side of his team's defense.

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