JAKARTA - The popularity of the Nasdem Party based on mentions or mentions in online mass media and Twitter at least after Anies Baswedan's declaration as a presidential candidate is increasing. Based on the results of the monitoring of the Media Monitoring Netray for the period 21-27 October 2022, the Nasdem Party received 87,152 mentions.
Meanwhile, the next in line are Golkar with 41,180 mentions, PDI-P 25,180, the Democratic Party with 24,930, and PKS with 19,638 mentions.
The next five parties are Gerindra 13,717, PSI 11,330, PPP 8,079, PKB 7,561, and PAN 6,180 times.
While the five lowest parties, namely Perindo 3,093, Garuda 450 Party, Ummat Party 410, Hanura 209, and Gelora Party were mentioned 100 times.
“The Nasdem Party is still the most mentioned political party like last week. While positions 2-5 there was a change of position, where Golkar this week shot to position 2 from the previous week at position 8, PDIP fell one place to position 3, as well as the Democratic Party which fell one place to position 4 and PKS fell one rank to position 5,” wrote Netray.id.
The mention of the Golkar Party was probably due to President Jokowi's statement during the celebration of the 58th anniversary of Golkar at Hall C Jiexpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on October 21, 2022.
In the event which was attended by almost all the general chairmen of the political parties, Jokowi advised political parties not to be arbitrary in choosing presidential and vice presidential candidates to be carried out in the 2024 election.
Presidential candidates must be figures who have high flying hours and are experienced.
“In the development of a country, political stability is very important. We also need security stability, especially in a world situation that is very difficult, difficult to calculate, difficult to calculate, difficult to predict," said Jokowi.
Not only political parties, Netray also monitored the mention of the popularity of political figures in the same period. The most popular or the most frequently mentioned in online media, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube is Anies Baswedan with 64,369 mentions.
Next in line is Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono with 26,583, Ganjar Pranowo 24,201, Erick Tohir 24,098, and Prabowo Subianto with 9,945 mentions.
Meanwhile, Ridwan Kamil, Puan Maharani, Moeldoko, Airlangga Hartarto, and Andika Perkasa are in the middle board. While the bottom five are Muhaimin Iskandar, Khofifah, Sandiaga Uno, Susi Pudjiastuti, and Gatot Nurmantyo.
"This time, Ganjar Pranowo is in third place, shifting Erick Thohir, who is now down at number four," according to Netray.id.
Ganjar Pranowo rose after his statement 'ready to be a presidential candidate if anyone carries it' was widely discussed until the end of the summons by the PDI-P DPP.
Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto still remains in fifth place as in the previous period.
Nasdem Is Ready for Coalition
Facing the 2024 General Election, the Nasdem Party has already taken a stance by declaring Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate. The Nasdem Party will most likely form a coalition with the Democrats and PKS.
The coalition is planned to be declared on November 10, precisely on Heroes' Day.
As for who will accompany Anies as a vice presidential candidate, the Coordinator of the Spokesperson for the Democratic Party Herzaky Mahendra Putra said that there had been no further discussion.
“Currently, we are still focusing on discussing the criteria for the vice presidential candidate, as well as how to determine them. We haven't officially discussed the name yet, although some aspirations have been entered," Herzaky told reporters, Monday (31/10).
In general, there are 5 criteria that Anies' companion must possess later. Namely, having integrity, capability, electability, chemistry, and the spirit of fighting for change and improvement.
According to Herzaky, integrity and capability are very important. The track record and ability to manage government can be the main capital in realizing change and improvement.
“Electability, because we want to win, not just together. So, both the presidential and vice presidential candidates must have high electability, especially when they are used as candidate pairs," said Herzaky.
They also have to have chemistry with each other. So, they can complement and support each other.
"Not even precede each other or compete with each other," he said.
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