
JAKARTA Thousands of residents in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, held a Palestinian care action at GOR Rang Agam, Sunday, November 26. The head of the Agam Citizens Alliance Caring for Palestine Firdaus in Lubuk Basung, said the action was attended by students, residents and community leaders. "Our action starts from Stikes Bergia Buana and long marches towards GOR Rang Agam, Lubuk Basung District," he said. He said that the Alliance of Agam Peduli Palestinians raised funds all the way to GOR Rang Agam. Some of them also raise funds from traders and visitors to the Lubuk Basang Pasar Bergahangan. At the end of the activity, several Palestinian scarfs and flags were held for the participants of the action. "We immediately donate the total funds collected Rp35 million and these funds to Palestinians," he said. He mentioned this is a form of participation of Agam community for Palestine and this is the first solidarity action in Agam. This activity is a form of concern for the country where great scholars like Buya Hamka, Sheikh Sulaiman ar-Rasuli, Sheikh Ahmad Khatib Al-Minangkabawi and others. "Hopefully this activity can trigger other residents to hold similar activities," he said.

Sementara mantan Ketua Baznas Agam Yandril menambahkan warga Palestina membutuhkan doa kemenangan dari Muslimin, memberikan infak terbaik dan boikot seluruh produk yang terindikasi membantu Israel."Dengan tiga bantuan yang kita berikan itu, Palestina bakal merdeka dari Israel. Kita wajib membantu, karena kaum Muslimin yang memperjuangkan Masjid Al-Qibli," katanya.Camat Lubuk Basung Hidayat Taufiq menambahkan kehadiran warga Agam untuk menghadiri aksi ini bentuk dukungan ke Palestina dan ini bentuk aksi nyata yang diberikan."Saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada warga yang hadir dan menyumbangkan hartanya bagi warga Palestina. Mudah-mudahan semua diganti Allah SWT kelak," katanya.*

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