
ACEH - The Bireuen District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Aceh, has reconciled 25 cases based on restorative justice throughout 2023.

Kepala Kejari Bireuen Munawal Hadi di Banda Aceh, Kamis, mengatakan dari 25 perkara tersebut sebagian besar merupakan kasus penganiayaan yang masuk tindak pidana ringan.

"From January to November 2023, we have reconciled 25 cases. This peace occurs after the parties, perpetrators and victims make peace, so that the case is no longer resolved in court," said Munawal Hadi.

Munawal Hadi said that after the parties reconciled, the public prosecutor then applied for restorative justice to the Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Acts.

"After being approved, the public prosecutor issued a letter determining the termination of prosecution based on restorative justice as a manifestation of legal certainty," he said.

Munawal Hadi said the 25th or last case was reconciled, namely the persecution with the suspect with the initials IF and the victim with the initials AW. The persecution occurred because of a misunderstanding between IF and AW in a football match.

"The victim AW acted as a referee and player. It happened during a soccer match on the field in Lancok-lancok Village, Kuala District, Bireuen Regency," said Munawal.

He explained the chronology of the incident began when IF protested AW's decision in the match. After hearing the protest sentence, AW gave AW a yellow card.

Then, there was an argument between the two, so AW as the referee again issued a yellow card and then gave the IF a red card.

This action ignited IF's emotions and immediately stabbed AW's face several times, causing the victim to fall. As a result, AW suffered lacerations to the tongue based on a post-mortem by the examining doctor at the Fauziah Bireuen Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

"The suspect IF was charged with violating Article 351 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. However, after going through the final peace process, the parties reconciled with the condition that the suspect paid the victim's medical expenses of Rp. 15 million," he said.

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