
BULUKUMBA - An elementary school teacher in Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi is threatened with dismissal. The teacher abused his student until his head was leaked and had to receive 11 stitches. The threat was conveyed directly by the Regent of Bulukumba Andi Muchtar Ali Yusuf on Thursday, November 23, who was furious at the actions of these unscrupulous teachers. Andi Muchtar will not tolerate acts of violence in schools, let alone committed by an educator who should love, educate and protect students in schools. "I will not tolerate these unscrupulous teachers, let alone I hear until the victim's head leaks. I will give sanctions for dismissal," he added. The perpetrator with the initials EU has been secured at the Bulukumba Police Headquarters and questioned. Not only the sanction of dismissal as an ASN, but the perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty.

Meanwhile, Reyhan's victim, who is still in 6th grade in elementary school, is still undergoing outpatient treatment after previously having to receive intensive care at the puskesmas due to lacerations to his head. The 13-year-old boy is also still in severe trauma and often feels dizzy.

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