
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) under the new leadership can move forward to carry out its role like the Jakarta-Bandung fast train (KA) aka Badminton.

"It is hoped that with the formation of this (new leadership), the MUI will run faster now. I liken the road to 'Whoosh', such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train," said the Vice President as Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council after chairing the MUI Plenary Meeting, in Jakarta, Friday, November 17, confiscated by Antara.

Today, MUI held a Plenary Meeting to appoint KH Anwar Iskandar as MUI General Chair replacing KH Miftachul Akhyar who resigned.

"After a long process is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations, it is chosen or as a substitute for Kiai Miftachul Akhyar, namely Kiai Anwar Iskandar. Now through the Determination of the Kiai Anwar Iskandar Plenary Session, it is valid to become the new MUI General Chair," he said.

He said the ratification of the new MUI leadership was very important because MUI had many jobs in various fields.

He hopes that in the future MUI will not only take care of community and national issues but also other problems at the global level, such as the Palestinian issue.

"Including the Palestinian issue, which is now MUI continues to take a role, for years fighting for it helps build hospitals, (distributing) aids in Palestine including now continuing to gather large meetings, large demonstrations are also in order to support (Palestinian)," he said.

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