
JAKARTA - Two Pakistani citizens (WN) with the initials NMA and HAS were arrested and deported by the Class I Immigration Office of Non TPI Central Jakarta on Wednesday, November 15. Both were deported for being beggars in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta.

Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Non TPI Central Jakarta, Wahyu Hidayat, said that the arrests of the two Pakistani citizens began with public information regarding the existence of two disturbing foreigners.

"We received information from the public that there are 2 foreign nationals (WNA) begging in the Kemayoran area," he told reporters, Wednesday, November 15.

Inteljakim officers swiftly searched for the whereabouts and secured the two Pakistani citizens. Based on the results of the examination, the two Pakistani citizens used a Visit Stay Permit.

"They have carried out activities to disturb the community," he said.

One man with the initials NMA admitted that he had previously carried out similar activities since September in Medan City.

"In October, NMA then returned together with HAS to carry out these activities in DKI Jakarta," he said.

As a result of their actions, NMA and HAS were proven to have violated Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration Article 75 paragraphs 1 and 2 letters a and f, namely Foreigners who carried out activities that were not in accordance with the allocation of their Stay Permits.

"We will increase surveillance of foreigners living in the Central Jakarta area. People are asked to participate by providing information on the whereabouts of suspicious foreigners," he said.

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