
SULTENG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) revealed that as many as 1429 families (KK) or 4177 people experienced a clean water crisis in Banggai Islands Regency, Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng).

Head of Central Sulawesi BPBD Akris Fattah Yunus said that his party continues to supply clean water to affected residents. As of Thursday night, November 9, BPBD noted that 195,000 liters of clean water had been distributed.

"We continue to distribute clean water to residents in need, so that the residents' water needs can be met," he said in Palu, Friday, November 10, which was confiscated by Antara. He said that the distribution of clean water was carried out by his party in two different locations, namely Alul Village and Sosom Village, Bulagi District., to date, 218 families or around 671 people have received clean water distribution," he said.

He explained that the distribution of clean water was carried out by joint personnel using one Central Sulawesi BPBD tank car, one PDAM tank car, one PMI tank, and one local district fire engine. "While road access constraints to damaged Alul Village resulted in the process of taking and distributing water taking a long time," he said. He said that until now joint personnel in the field are still optimizing clean distribution to affected residents in turn. In addition to Alul Village and Sosom Village in Bulagi District, he said, Kamba Village, Tolo Village, Lalanday Village, Montomisan Village and Tolon Village, also experienced a clean water crisis. In addition, Momotan Village, Unu Village, Mangautus Village, Palabat Satu Village, and Pipilogot Paipaisu Village in South Bugalagi District and Ombuki Village, Minanga Village, Koyobunga Village and Luk Panteng Village in Luk Panteng District.

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