
YOGYAKARTA You've asked why Israel is rich and has a variety of advanced military weapons with a developed economy? Even though the country has no income from oil mines.

Please note that Israel is a relatively small Jewish country located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Although small, Israel has played a significant part in some global affairs.

Israel also has high gross domestic product (GDP). Citing data from the World Bank, Israel's total GDP in 2019 reached 394.65 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, Indonesia in the same year recorded GDP of 1.12 trillion US dollars.

When viewed from the population, the per capita income of the Israeli people in 2019 was 43,588 US dollars. Meanwhile, in the same year, Indonesia only recorded 4,135 United States dollars.

There are many opinions that state the reason why Israel has a large enough state income to have a developed economy.

1. Manufacturing Industry

Please note, although small Israel has become a landmark for several religions. In addition, Israel is also known to have a very advanced manufacturing industry even since the 1970s. In that year, a fairly advanced industry engaged in various fields such as fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and so on.

In various sources, it is said that the advancement of Israeli manufacturing was due to experts who carried out a lot of exodus from European countries during PD II in order to avoid persecution. Then in the 1980s Israel became a destination country for people who previously worked in Silicon Valley, United States (US). They then built research centers and special development of technology companies from America, ranging from Microsoft, IBM, and Intel.

3. Engineer Destination Country

Israel is also known as the destination country for quality people. In the 1990s, many engineers from the former Soviet Union moved to Israel. The country was immediately flooded by people with very great human resources.

They began to establish various companies, especially in the field of technology. The number of companies in Israel immediately jumped. In fact, the company contributed a large income to the country.

3. Technology company

The advancement of technology companies in Israel contributed a large income to the country. Israel then exported technology to various countries. Even the number of technology exports continues to increase. In 1991 the amount increased, from USD 3 billion to USD 12.3 billion in 2000. Meanwhile, in 2006 the figure became USD 29 billion,

Israel also received research and technology funding from several countries ranging from the US, France, Canada, Italy, Spain, China, Turkey, India and Germany. This condition made Israel more advanced because it received income from taxes and foreign exchange with a large amount of labor absorption. In fact, many Israeli startups are popular.

Companies in Israel also hold various patents with fantastic royalties. Of course this condition makes the country continue to advance and get richer.

That's information related to why Israel is rich. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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