YOGYAKARTA - Andi Amran Sulaiman was appointed Minister of Agriculture replacing Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was detained for a corruption case. President Jokowi appointed Amran Sulaiman as Minister of Agriculture in a cabinet reshuffle conducted at the State Palace on Wednesday, October 25. So what was Amran Sulaiman's achievement so that he was chosen to occupy the position?
Amran Sulaiman is not a new figure within the scope of the Indonesian government. Amran had previously been Minister of Agriculture during the 2014-2019 administration of President Jokowi. Having an agricultural educational background, Amran has made various innovations in his field. The public also needs to know what Amran Sulaiman's achievements as Minister of Agriculture are.
Andi Amran Sulaiman was born in Bone, South Sulawesi, on April 27, 1968. In his homeland, Amran still has a blue blood line from the descendants of the Kingdom of Bone. Amran's father is a non-commissioned officer with the rank of army sergeant so that when he was little he was educated with discipline and firmness.
In line with his current career, Amran Sulaiman has studied Agricultural Bachelor at Hasanuddin University from 1989 to 1993. After that, Amran continued his master's degree (S2) study at Unhas as well as 2002-2003. Still looking to explore his knowledge, he continued his doctoral studies at Unhas Agricultural Sciences in 2008-2012.
Before entering the electoral sector, Amran Sulaiman was a lecturer at Hasanuddin University. In addition, Amran has also worked at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV. After serving for about 15 years, he decided to leave the company to build his own business.
Amran Sulaiman is known as the founder of the Tiran Group which has a business unit, including PT Tiran Indonesia (gold mine), PT Tiran Makassar (Unilever distributor), PT Tiran Sulawesi (cane and palm oil plantations), PT Tiran Bombana (gold, black lead), and PT Tiran Mineral (nickel mine).
Amran Sulaiman then entered the government by being appointed Minister of Agriculture for the 2014-2019 period. When he was Minister of Agriculture during the Jokowi administration era, Amran carried out a number of agricultural programs to increase food production and improvement in Indonesia.
Amran has a number of proud achievements in agriculture and food. The following are some of the achievements that Amran Sulaiman has had.
Those are a number of Amran Sulaiman's achievements in agriculture and food. Amran Sulaiman was again trusted by President Jokowi to occupy the position of Minister for the 2019-2024 term.
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