The general chairmen of political parties (political parties) who are members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) have agreed on the names of four vice presidential candidates (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto. One of them is called a female figure.
This was revealed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Gelora Fahri Hamzah Party at PP Kertanegara, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, October 13.
"Anyway, the criteria are complete, representing the aspirations that have been developing so far," said Fahri.
Interestingly, Fahri continued, in tonight's meeting all party leaders had the opportunity to speak as much as possible and summarize all those talks.
"So earlier, eight parties were very solid and compact, what is interesting is also reported that more and more parties have come and joined because they see KIM's cohesiveness," explained Fahri.
The point, said Fahri, is that Prabowo's vice presidential candidate name has now narrowed to four names. Namely, figures from West Java, Central Java, East Java and one name from outside Java.
"Yes, that was what appeared to four. About the four regions," he said.
However, Fahri did not want to reveal the names of these figures. What is clear, he said, is that there is a female figure as a candidate for Prabowo's vice presidential candidate.
"Yes, there are many. Anyway, we all party leaders are solid with existing criteria. There are women," said Fahri.
When asked if the woman came from East Java, Fahri agreed. It's just that he was reluctant to make it clear.
"He euh," said Fahri agreeing.
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