
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has requested that the anti-corruption curriculum be included in the learning system in West Sumatra.

Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK Wawan Wardiana asked the West Sumatra Provincial Government to consider including an anti-corruption curriculum in the learning system for students

"Intracurricular, kokuricular, and extracurricular learning systems to students at elementary, junior high schools, and equivalent high schools," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 12.

Wawan Wardiana said 10 local governments in West Sumatra had made regional regulations for this anti-corruption education.

"Hopefully as soon as possible other local governments will also make the same regulations to serve as a reference so that anti-corruption education can be infiltrated or become local content at the education level," he said at the KPK RoadshowBus in West Sumatra.

According to him, in fighting corruption, the KPK has a strategy called the trident of eradicating corruption. First, the prosecution to provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators of corruption; second, prevention by improving the system and closing the gap so that people cannot commit corruption.

Third, he continued, education by increasing public awareness of the impact and dangers of corruption.

The KPK has collaborated with the Ministry of Research and Technology Dikti to insert anti-corruption values through formal and non-formal education in universities.

"So far, in West Sumatra, there are two universities that have piloted anti-corruption education projects, namely Andalas University and Padang State University," he said.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Bus stopped at Ranah Minang, Thursday, West Sumatra became the fourth province on the island of Sumatra to spread anti-corruption ideas

The KPK bus roadshow was initiated so that all components of society took part in eradicating corruption.

He estimates that the KPK bus may only be a week in West Sumatra, next week it will advance again to other regions.

"We hope that within a week, we can give a deep impression. In fact, we hope that the anti-corruption values delivered by bus will become more grounded," he said.

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