The General Election Commission (KPU) has set three polling stations (TPS) for the 2024 special location category (lokus) in Cirebon Regency.
Head of the Data and Information Planning Division of the Cirebon Regency KPU, Ujang Kusuma Atmawijaya, said the three polling stations were in the Cirebon Narcotics Prison (Gintung) with a fixed number of voters (DPT) as many as 722 people.
"The number is dynamic, because there could be an increase in the number of inmates or detainees. If that's the case, we automatically have to add a TPS, that's the authority of the Indonesian KPU," said Ujang in Cirebon, Thursday, September 21, which was confiscated by Antara.
In detail, said Ujang, in the 2024 General Election there were 6,938 regular polling stations used by people in Cirebon to exercise their voting rights.
According to him, the results of the recapitulation carried out by the Cirebon Regency KPU on June 21, 2023, have determined that there are 1,739,497 DPTs.
He ensured that the DPT data had been accurately verified with the study and funeral process for almost a full month.
This means, he said, that the number of DPTs is the right final data and has been cleaned of double voter data.
"We have cleaned it up. It is only possible that our potential for DPT can change, even though the numbers have not decreased. For example, death or changing status to TNI-Polri members," he said.
He said the total number of DPT was dominated by the millennial generation with a figure of 39.75 percent or 689,426 people. This generation is voters who were born in 1981-1996.
As for generation Z, he said, it was at 23.84 percent or 413,453 people.
"The percentage of male voters is around 50.56 percent and female voters are 49.44 percent of the 1,739,497 DPT numbers," he concluded.
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