
Senator Fachrul Razi, who also serves as Chairman of Committee I DPD RI, firmly urged President Jokowi to intervene in resolving the ongoing conflict on Pulau Rempang. He stressed the importance that the President must protect its people and natural resources in Rempang.

Fachrul Razi reminded the President of his commitment to "protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed," which also includes protecting the people and the customary land on the island of Rempang, as well as maintaining the natural wealth that exists for the welfare of the local community.

So far, the DPD RI has been active in fighting for customary land, with the aim that the state protects it from taking over by the private sector. Fachrul Razi emphasized the importance of protecting customary land as part of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, which also aims to protect Indonesian customs and culture.

Fachrul Razi also reminded the President that the case in Rempang is a picture of problems that occur throughout Indonesia. The state must be present to protect the customary land and the people in Rempang, and should not side with the private sector.

Not only that, Fachrul Razi also criticized the acts of violence against the public, and he urged the President to stop human rights violations that occurred.

The conflict in Rempang stems from the relocation of 16 indigenous villages on the island of Rempang, Riau Islands, which is still continuing and is a serious concern of the Indonesian DPD Committee I. The relocation is important for national strategic projects, Rempang Eco City, but also causes dissatisfaction among local communities who have long depended on living as fishermen around the island. This tension culminated in the rejection of relocation, with residents feeling that their aspirations were not heard.

Residents who have lived on the island for decades do not want to be moved, because they have strong ties to the land and natural resources around them. They worry that the new ecosystem will find it difficult to be adapted by those who are relocated, making it difficult for them to survive.

Fachrul Razi considers President Jokowi's response to this case, namely that public refusal is caused by "unfavorable communication," not enough. Therefore, he urged the President to intervene directly in resolving this conflict. In addition, he highlighted the need for the preservation of local wisdom and culture of the people of Kampung Tua Pulau Rempang which has been rooted since ancient times.

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