
JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan is grateful that PKS finally approved the presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin). Anies said that official support through the PKS Syuro Council was a new chapter of the political process.

"Alhamdulillah, we have entered a new chapter, the process that has been carried out for some time is not a political process without purpose, the mission we carry is to make Indonesia a country to bring a sense of justice, a sense of equality and government that protects every time Indonesia spills," said Anies Baswedan, Friday, September 15.

This mandate is a guide for Anies and Cak Imin. The process in the future that will be passed is to ensure the authority of the community through the presidential election.

"Alhamdulillah, the Nasdem Party, PKS, together with PKB have joined into a coalition of changes and this coalition, God willing, will carry out the mission I conveyed earlier," he continued

The Coalition for Change, said Anies, is not just targeting to win. But the main goal is to bring a just, equal and prosperous Indonesia.

"We get a big mandate because it has consequences for the nation's journey," he said.

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