
JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, said that Indonesia has a great opportunity to build cultural cooperation with South Korea (South Korea). Moeldoko assessed that the two countries have cultural compatibility. This can be seen from the rapid influence of Korean culture on the younger generation of Indonesia known as the Korean Wave. Korean culture is proven to be acceptable in Indonesia.' This means that there is a cultural match between Indonesia and Korea, said Moeldoko, at the Bina Graha building in Jakarta, Friday, September 15. As is known, previously Moeldoko made a working visit to South Korea, on September 13-14, 2023. Apart from being a key speaker at the World Science Forum or the World Knowledge Forum (WKF), during the working visit Moeldoko had the opportunity to convey his ideas in the development of agricultural technology, at the Green Digital Economy Platform forum. Moeldoko said cultural cooperation is one way to strengthen relations between the two countries that have been going on for 50 years. Through the culture of relationships will become relaxed in proximity. It can even become a buffer in relations between the two countries," he continued. Moeldoko hopes that cultural cooperation between Indonesia and Korea can later be realized in the form of cooperation in the culinary industry sector, creative industries, such as music, films and fashion, as well as collaboration between universities. "As has been done now at Busan University of Foreign Studies by establishing an Indonesia center," he explained.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander believes that cultural cooperation between Indonesia and Korea will have a positive impact on Indonesia, especially on the development of the culinary and creative industry. "We can learn how Korea is able to convey moral messages through drama (Korean drama). Incidentally, I like to watch it," said Moeldoko with a laugh.

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