
JAKARTA - Technical Staff for Health Transformation of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Ngabila Salama appealed to the public to remain vigilant about COVID-19 without having to pay attention to the type. "Don't worry about what type of variant, COVID only COVID-19, the management is the same, self-isolation for three days," he said at a talk title related to the Omicron Pirola COVID-19 subvariant, which was followed online in Jakarta, Friday, September 15, was confiscated by Antara. Ngabila said that knowledge of the new subvariant COVID-19 should not be known by the public, because it has the same symptoms as the previous subvariant COVID-19., Epidemiology, and Immunization of the DKI Jakarta Health Office.

For example, he said, in the case of the Omicron Pirola subvariant, the Ministry of Health can find out its track history from the results of the PCR test combined with genome sequencing. Then if there is no history of traveling abroad, he continued, it means that the virus is a case of local transmission. "If you have traveled abroad, it means imported cases," he said.

Oleh karena itu, Ngabila mengimbau agar masyarakat tetap waspada terhadap virus COVID-19 meskipun sudah tidak dalam fase pandemi.Ia juga mengimbau untuk tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan (prokes) dengan memakai masker, mencuci tangan pakai sabun dengan air mengalir, serta melakukan tes PCR di puskesmas terdekat jika melakukan kontak dengan seseorang yang terkonfirmasi terkena virus COVID-19."Jangan lupa untuk melengkapi dosis vaksin, meskipun vaksinasi tidak mencegah penyakit, tapi vaksinasi mencegah dari keparahan dan kematian akibat COVID-19," kata Ngabila.

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