
JAKARTA - Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman said that the emission test ticket was still in effect. However, there are certain classifications of vehicles that will be dealt with.

"It still applies in the sense that it is the most recent right. Why? We don't pass it, we ticket, no. We will do the fine according to the portion," Latif told reporters quoted on Friday, September 15.

The classification of vehicles to be ticketed is cars or motorbikes that emit thick smoke. Because, it can be categorized as a contributor to air pollution.

"For example, if you look at the naked eye like that, it turns out that the emission (thick smoke from the vehicle) is actually conscious. That means they know actually, surely we will continue to do the fine," he said.

Meanwhile, if vehicles that do not emit thick smoke but do not pass the emission test, said Latif, they will not be ticketed. Later, his party will only ask the vehicle owner to repair it.

"But if it is still in the reasonable stage, we will also return it," said Latif.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya changed the enforcement scheme in the emission test. Later, vehicles that do not pass the emission test will not be ticketed.

The reason behind the change is because the prosecution in the form of a ticket is considered burdensome for the community.

"It is an evaluation material so as not to burden the community," said Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya as well as the Head of the Air Pollution Control Task Force Kombes Nurcholis.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the prosecution, vehicles that do not pass the emission test will be subject to fines in the form of fines ranging from IDR 250 thousand to IDR 500 thousand.

2-wheeled vehicles are subject to a fine of IDR 250 thousand. Meanwhile, 4-wheeled vehicles are IDR 500 thousand.

The amount of the fine is regulated in accordance with Article 285 Paragraph 1 and Article 276 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ).

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