
Spokesperson for Anies Baswedan, Sudirman Said, said that the declaration of PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin as a vice presidential candidate was an answer from God regarding the results of a survey related to the 2024 presidential election.

The reason is, in the Kompas Research and Development survey in August 2023, the electoral former governor of DKI Jakarta was said to be weak in Central Java and East Java.

Initially, Sudirman talked about how important PKS is for the coalition supporting Anies. According to him, PKS can complete NasDem and PKB which are currently members of the Change Coalition.

"(PKS) It is very important, because all parties are very complementary. We are grateful that the spectrum is very good, from nationalists represented by NasDem, then from Nahdliyin's friends, God willing, Mr. Anies will also receive strong support from Muhammadiyah circles, as well as urban Islam. That's from the spectrum of the PKB root grass is very strong," said Sudirman during a press conference in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, September 8.

From a regional perspective, Sudirman assessed, PKS is very strong in Banten and West Java and PKB is strong in Central Java and East Java. He also said that the presence of Cak Imin, who is the biological child of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), was the way from God to cover up Anies' weaknesses.

"PKS is very strong in West Java, Banten and Jakarta. Then so far we have been weak in East Java and Central Java, it turns out that Allah has given a way for the presence of PKB, which is strong in Central Java and East Java. So everything is complementary to each other," explained Sudirman Said.

Meanwhile, NasDem, according to him, is very strong outside Java. Therefore, he hopes that the three political parties will continue to work together in the Change Coalition to support the Anies-Cak Imin pair.

"And everyone knows that Pak Anies from the start his support was quite evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, except from Central Java and East Java. Now there is a solution, namely the entry of PKS and increasing the entry of PKB," said Sudirman.

"So everything is very important and we have big hopes so that these three parties can continue together," he added.

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