The Cirebon City Police (Polresta) took innovative steps by providing a driving license (SIM) and a Police Record Certificate (SKCK) service with a payment system using plastic waste.
Cirebon City Police Chief Kombes Pol. Arif Budiman said the effort was in order to support environmental programs.
"There have been 100 applicants consisting of SIM A, SIM C, and from SKCK for one year," he said in Cirebon, West Java, Tuesday, September 5, which was confiscated by Antara.
He explained that the construction of SIM and SKCK was one of the innovations of the Cirebon Police in collaboration with the Cirebon Environmental Service (DLH) to reduce the amount of plastic waste through the Green Service service which has now been implemented.
So far, he continued, 27 waste banks in Cirebon Regency have been available, which originally numbered only 10 waste banks, so that the coverage and expansion of the Green Service service is wider.
"As a'review' for one year the Green Service program has been running with a waste exchange service for the manufacture of SIMs and SKCK collected 3,717 kg of plastic waste," said Arif.
He said the program allowed Cirebon residents to pay Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) fees for making SIMs and SKCK using plastic waste that had previously been saved in a waste bank.
Furthermore, he said, customers whose waste bank balances were sufficient, then they just had to come to the Cirebon Police Satpas to participate in the process of making a SIM or issuing a SKCK.
Arif ensured that the waste bank customers would get some convenience such as priority seats, without queues, and money, as well as a faster process.
"One special note, we give Green Service service participants appreciation, what is service like a priority customer," he said.
He targets, by adding a waste bank in Cirebon, at least the Cirebon Police can reduce the reduction of plastic waste that is difficult to decompose.
"If we look at the existing achievements, with 10 points we can achieve an expansion of 3 thousand kg of garbage, we hope that 27 points are at least over 10 thousand kg of plastic waste," said Arif.
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