
A woman with the initials DL (27) who was on the wanted list (DPO) for theft and robbery cases in Lampung was arrested by the police.

Wonosobo Police Chief Iptu Juniko said DL banned motorcyclists on Jalan Raya Pekon (Village) Banyu Urip, in February 2023.

"The suspect is female, but on a daily basis he looks like a man, he himself is a resident of Pekon Sanggi, Bandar Negeri Semoung (BNS) District, Tanggamus Regency," said Wonosobo Police Chief Iptu Juniko, in Tanggamus, Lampung, Monday, September 4, confiscated by Antara.

He said the suspect DL was previously designated as DPO number: DPO/01/III/2023/Reskrim dated March 6, 2023.

He said the DL perpetrator at that time fled from the location after his colleague was caught after seizing or stealing a Honda Beat motorcycle Nopol F 3190 FCS belonging to victim Paini (36), a resident of Pekon Soponyono.

"Based on public investigations and information, the suspect has returned to his home, so the suspect was arrested on Saturday, September 2, 2023 at around 04.00 WIB," he said.

The police chief explained the determination of the DPO and the arrest of the suspect, according to the report on February 24, 2023, on behalf of victim Paini, who was a victim of motorcycle theft.

The incident began, he said, the victim was riding his two children on a black yellow Honda Beat motorcycle, with Nopol F 3190 FCS passing on Jalan Raya Pekon Banyu Urip.

"The victim did not realize that a black motorbike came from behind. The victim was shocked when one of the perpetrators who was riding on a motorbike immediately pulled out the ignition key of his motorbike," he said.

After the victim's motorbike stopped, one perpetrator immediately took a sharp weapon of the type of badik knife tucked into his left waist and scared the victim and ran away from his motorbike.

Then the perpetrator immediately took control of the victim's motorbike and fled towards Dadisari. Luckily, about 5 meters away, the perpetrator hit an L300 car that passed by so that the perpetrator fell.

At the same time, the victim screamed for help, so residents chased and arrested the suspect along with police personnel, and the other perpetrator managed to escape.

"When he was arrested, it was discovered that the suspect named Candra Yogi had been investigated and was currently serving a sentence of 4.5 years in prison," he said.

The police chief said that based on the suspect's statement that after committing the crime, DL fled to Bandarlampung City and moved there and he disguised himself as looking for junk.

"To trick the officers, he moved from place to place by working looking for trash," he said.

He explained DL's role in his crime by bringing a motorcycle and crashing a motorcycle into the target he was chasing.

"The suspect has committed similar crimes twice on the same road, with different victims," he said.

Currently, the suspect and evidence have been transferred to the PPA Unit of the Tanggamus Police for further investigation, and for their actions, the suspect is charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code, a maximum threat of 9 years in prison.

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