Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) Bareskrim Polri held a case to raise the status of investigations into cases of alleged money laundering (TPPU) allegedly committed by Panji Gumilang, the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School to the investigation stage.
However, the results of the case title attended by investigators and external supervisors of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have not been able to decide to raise the status of case handling to the investigation stage because it is still necessary to add witness statements and documents that must be completed.
Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dirtipideksus) Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan said that of the 37 witnesses who were invited for clarification, only 19 witnesses were present and 18 others were still waiting for their statements.
"Of the 37 witnesses we invited, only 19 witnesses (given information) are still waiting," said Whisnu as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.
Investigators are waiting for witnesses to attend to provide information on Thursday (10/8) and Friday (11/8). After all the witness statements have been completed, the investigator will then carry out a follow-up case title to decide whether or not the case will go up to the investigation stage.
"Hopefully next week we will carry out a follow-up case title," he said.
According to the one-star general, investigators must be careful in handling the case, not wanting to rush to decide without the support of sufficient evidence, documents and information.
"This case must be more careful because of that we need documents, very complete instructions and added expert statements. Because this concerns the foundation law, corruption, and money laundering crimes," he said.
The 18 witnesses who will be examined come from the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI) Ponpes Al Zaytun, information from the public who sent funds, and also from the Ministry of Religion.
The case title process which was held today lasted eight hours. In that process, investigators presented some information, evidence and facts.
Whisnu emphasized that investigators did not carelessly increase the legal process from investigation to investigation to be based on juridical accountability.
"So we are not playing games and we are being monitored by colleagues outside Bareskrim, Irwasum, Divpropam to monitor whether the investigation carried out by the Criminal Investigation Police investigators, especially Dirtipideksus, is correct and in accordance with the rules," said Whisnu.
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