
The South Sulawesi Provincial DPRD finally canceled proposing three names of candidates for South Sulawesi Governor of Office (Pj) to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) in a plenary meeting that was not quorum at the local DPRD office.

"For this reason, the South Sulawesi DPRD did not send the name of the South Sulawesi Governor's Office as a substitute for the governor," said South Sulawesi DPRD Chairman Andi Ina Kartika Sari after closing the Plenary Meeting as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 8.

The decision was taken after seeing that the number of council members who attended did not meet the quorum or rules of order (tatib) in half of the total number of members as many as 85 people, or only 42 people attended then decreased to 40 people in two suspensions at the meeting.

"We see firsthand that the plenary meeting for the announcement of the candidate for Governor of South Sulawesi which will be proposed by the DPRD until the end of the plenary meeting does not meet the quorum," he emphasized.

In addition, based on a letter from the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian as of July 21, 2023, which asked the South Sulawesi DPRD to propose three names of candidates for the Acting Governor who were given the time until August 9, 2023, said Andi Ina, it could not be decided.

He explained that from the proposed nine factions there were four, but the Minister of Home Affairs' request was only allowed to propose three names, of course, it would still be submitted in a plenary meeting, if there was sufficient member quorum, then an election or voting would be held for the proposal of three names.

"Of the four names, there are Rivai Ras, Prof. Aswanto, Bachtiar and Jufri Rahman. Regarding the absence of any submission, there is no consequence because we are only asked to submit. Because the Acting Governor, the President received three names from the DPRD and three names from the Minister of Home Affairs," he explained.

With the absence of a decision to apply for three names from the South Sulawesi DPRD, of course the three names of the Acting Governor proposed by the Minister of Home Affairs will be accepted by the president.

"This is the first time that there is a regulation that asks for a candidate for Acting Governor to be proposed by the DPRD. There is a Minister of Home Affairs regarding the rules of the Governor's Office. When opened first there were 42 members, and the second 40 people. According to the rules, we must be half of the number of members. That means, it must be 42 plus one, it should be 43 people," he said.

"So there is no effect, the president himself will determine it as his pre-corregative right," said the head of the South Sulawesi Youth Organization.

Previously, the plenary meeting was tense, and there was even an argument because only a number of members from several factions were present, while others were not present, including the head of the faction, to carry out the voting.

The chairman of the DPRD, Ina Kartika, even twice suspended the meeting. However, a number of council members insisted that they did not attend the meeting and some even walked out or left the meeting.

It was recorded that the faction members who attended were from Golkar, PDI-P, PPP, NasDem and PAN, while several members were not present from the PKS, Gerindra, PKB and Democrat factions.

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