
SOLO - UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta followed up on the registration polemic to an online loan company by new students during the 2023 Academic and Student Culture Introduction (PBAK) activity.

"Just earlier from a lecturer who happened to be a Dema (Student Council) coach obtained data on the MoU (metry of understanding) between students and sponsorship," said Deputy Chancellor III for Student Affairs UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta Syamsul Bakri in Solo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 8.

Regarding the existence of a memorandum of understanding between companies that are able to become sponsors of events and students, according to him, it is not in accordance with the rules.

"Students have no right to do MoU, let alone have a nominal value. Even though PBAK is borne by the university. Looking for sponsorship can't be like that," he said.

According to Syamsul, from the memorandum of understanding, it is known that the nominal sponsorship fund that will be received by the organizers is IDR 160 million.

"How can it be that big. That's just one of three companies," he said.

According to him, there are hundreds of students who have registered with the loan company.

"From the FIT alone, 300 have registered. If yesterday's confession there were 500, that could be more. The data is still confusing, we don't get definite data. If there are five faculties, it means four more faculties. So it could be thousands (who have registered)," he said.

With this incident, Syamsul ensured that Dema had exceeded the authority given and was considered to have hidden something from the university.

"The MoU was not spoken to by us, the leadership, so it was hidden. We got (the MoU content) not from Dema, we have a way," he said.

Regarding the incident, he said, the Code of Ethics Council would determine the next steps.

"This is only the first meeting. The Code of Ethics Council imposes sanctions, but what are the sanctions and how, not yet," said Syamsul.

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