Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said there are a number of names that will train the campaigner (jurkam) for presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). Among them are PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani to former TNI Commander General (Ret.) Andika Perkasa.
"So the collaboration of political parties that carry Mr. Ganjar Pranowo and this volunteer by providing this briefing is expected to move simultaneously, both in the air and on land as well as movement with the strength of the prayer will be carried out together," said Hasto in a written statement, Monday, July 17.
Hasto said Puan would speak during the closing ceremony of the campaign interpreter's training on Tuesday, July 18. Meanwhile, Andika together with the Chairman of Kadin Arsjad Rasjid will provide material.
Meanwhile, the opening of the event today, Monday, July 17, will be opened by Hasto and Ganjar Pranowo who are present to provide an online briefing. In addition, there is also PPP General Chair Mardiono.
"The General Chairperson of PPP Haji Mardiono and Pak Ganjar Pranowo were also present to give a speech giving a fighting spirit," he said.
In addition to that name, Hanura Party Chairman Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) was also present who will provide briefing to the jurkam tonight. Then the General Chairperson of Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo will provide material on Tuesday.
The presence of these various political parties is expected to expand political cooperation. Including, mapping each electoral district together because the elected president needs a stake from parliament with a victory of 50 percent plus one more.
"So that the expected government with the support of the people for Pak Ganjar Pranowo can advance quickly for the progress of Indonesia Raya we continue the leadership of President Jokowi," said Hasto.
In this training, 300 jurkam were present from PDIP cadres, PPP, Hanura Party, and Perindo Party as well as 150 volunteers. They come from young people under the age of 40.
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