
The police team arrested a drug courier with evidence weighing two kilograms from China brought by a member of the National Police with the initials Brigadier HA (30), a member of the West Sulawesi Regional Police.

"Yes, that's right, the development is still being investigated," said Director of Drug Investigation at the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Dodi Rahman, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

Brigadier HA is known to have brought the prohibited items by riding the Pantokrator Motorboat (KM), sailing from Nunukan, North Kalimantan Province to Nusantara Port, Parepare City, South Sulawesi.

However, Dodi did not explain in detail the chronology of the arrest and disclosure of the methamphetamine type of drug from the alleged perpetrator, and whether there were other perpetrators, because it was still in the development process.

"The Opsional Team has headed to Tarakan and has coordinated with the North Kalimantan Police's Narcotics Directorate," he said briefly.

Confirmed separately, the Head of Public Relations of the West Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Syamsu Ridwan, said that regarding the arrest of the drug courier police, the West Sulawesi Police Professional and Security Team (Propam) had been dispatched to the South Sulawesi Regional Police for coordination.

"The Propam team has been dispatched to the South Sulawesi Regional Police regarding the alleged information and violations committed by these members," he said when contacted by reporters.

His party emphasized that if there are members of the National Police legally and are proven to have violated the code of ethics, including being part of the circulation and abuse of narcotics, they will not hesitate to be subject to strict sanctions.

"The West Sulawesi Police Chief has ordered to strictly process violations of the code of ethics to the PTDH (Dismissal with Respect) process if these individuals are proven to have committed it," he asserted.

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