The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force) noted the acquisition of non-tax state assets and revenues (PNBP) with an asset amount of 3,980.62 hectares. It is estimated that the value is IDR 30.66 trillion from 2021 to May 30, 2023.
"Of all these steps, the most acquisition comes from asset recovery," said Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban at the Ex-BLBI Asset Handover event in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 6, confiscated by Antara.
In detail, the acquisition consists of Rp1.11 trillion in cash (PNBP to the state treasury), confiscation and delivery of collateral or other assets worth Rp14.77 trillion with an area of 1,784.34 ha and physical control of property assets amounting to Rp9.28 trillion with an area of 1,862.91 ha.
Then, it also includes the handover of assets to ministries/agencies (K/L) and local governments (Pemda) worth IDR 3 trillion with an area of 278.6 ha and non-cash state capital participation (PMN) of IDR 2.49 trillion with an area of 54 ha.
Since its establishment in mid-2021, Rionald said the BLBI Task Force has made various efforts to return state collection rights, including collection of debtors or obligors, blocking, confiscation, or selling collateral goods and/or other assets belonging to debtors or obligors, blocking business entities, and preventing overseas travel to debtors or obligors.
Likewise, related to property assets, physical control and juridical security efforts are made as well as sales, as well as grants to local governments (Pemda) and determination of use status (PSP) to K/L to restore state rights.
Therefore, he expressed his gratitude specifically to all parties because with the cooperation of 12 agencies, the BLBI Task Force can continue to restore assets.
"We received reinforcement from law enforcement officials such as the police and the prosecutor's office, especially when we were about to take over these various properties again," he said.
With these developments, the Director General of State Asset Management of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) also hopes that the BLBI Task Force's tenure which will end in December 2023 will be extended because the cooperation has been well established so far.
However, the Task Force will submit the decision to extend the period to the steering team chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD.
"Currently, we will still prepare documentation and evidence of the entire work process to prepare for reporting to the President, which we will convey through the director in October," said Rionald.
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