
ACEH - The Independent Election Commission (KIP/KPU) of Aceh Province stated that the reading of the Qur'an which is a requirement for nomination is not for prospective non-Muslim legislative candidates (bacaleg). "The Koran reading test is only for Muslim or Muslim legislators, while non-Muslims are not," said the Coordinator of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the KIP Election of Aceh Province Munawarsyah in Banda Aceh, Tuesday. The Aceh Provincial KIP from 6 to 12 June 2023 carried out a Qur'an reading test for the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) baulaleg. The Qur'an reading test was centered at the Banda Aceh Hajj Dormitory. "The number of legislative parties registered by political parties is 1,781 people. Of the number of legislators, there are also non-Muslims. However, the number of non-Muslim legs is currently being collected," said Munawarsyah. The Koran's reading of prospective legislative candidates is guided by Aceh Qanun Number 3 of 2008 concerning Local Political Parties Contesting in the Aceh DPR and Regency/City DPR elections in Aceh, as mandated in Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Aceh Government. According to Munawarsyah, the reading of the Qur'an is a requirement that must be met every legislative candidate. If you can't afford it, the legislative candidate cannot be determined as a legislative candidate in the 2024 election. Political parties, he said, could replace their legislative reading which was declared incapable of reading the Qur'an. Bacaleg as a substitute for Muslims is also obliged to take part in the Qur'an reading test. Regarding the legislative leg that was unable to attend the Koran's reading test, Munawarsyah said that the person concerned could still follow on the follow-up schedule. "Of course there must be a clear reason why it can't be followed during the Al-Qur'an reading schedule," he said.
Meanwhile, balaleg, who is performing the pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, asked political parties that carry out virtual reading of the Qur'an.

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