
The South Denpasar Police Team is hunting for two motorbike riders who hit two police officers while on duty to conduct a vehicle raid on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, Sanur Kaja, Denpasar City, Bali.

"Two of our members were hit. Because of that, we will find out who the perpetrators were," said South Denpasar Police Chief AKP Ida Ayu Made Kalpika Sari, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

Kalpika said the incident of two South Denpasar Police personnel being hit by two motorbike riders was because they were afraid of being ticketed because they did not have motor vehicle documents and also used Brong exhaust.

However, even though the perpetrator fled, the police had pocketed the identity of the vehicle because the driver's license plate fell while running away and hit a police barricade.

One plate of the motorcycle number that has been secured by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Denpasar Police, namely DK4560FCG.

Kalpika also stated that he would look for the owner of the motorbike to reveal the identity of the perpetrator who had fled and hit the police while on duty. Heavy sanctions await the two perpetrators.

"I'm public, I'll look for the person. The sanctions are heavier than the others because they have avoided carrying out the operation and that too against the officers," said Kalpika accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of the Denpasar Police, AKP Ketut Sukadi.

Regarding the raid on motorbikes which was carried out on Sunday (28/5) in the morning, the police said it was carried out because of complaints from the public along the Ngurah Rai Bypass road in the Sanur area when they held Fridays to vent two days earlier.

Residents were disturbed by the large number of motorbikes that used Brong exhaust and walked in groups at night.

"The total number of vehicles that we have confiscated is currently 71. There are 40 vehicles (using exhaust) brong and one vehicle has three violations. Of course, many of these Brong vehicles do not use license plates and mirrors," said Kalpika.

The motorbike riders who were confiscated came from various groups ranging from minors, students, students to foreign nationals. Based on data held by the South Denpasar Police, the majority of the owners of the motorbike came from students.

He also asked the owner of the confiscated Brong exhaust motorbike to come to the South Denpasar Police and bring the original exhaust.

"To retrieve the vehicle, the owner makes a commitment and must bring the standard exhaust and then replace the exhaust and we will confiscate the exhaust for further release because it is evidence that the South Denpasar Police have answered the aspirations of the community," said the former Kapolsek Dawan Polres Klungkung.

Likewise, the owner of a rental whose vehicle was rented by two Russian foreigners who were caught in a raid showed the STNK along with the original motor vehicle registration certificate, not photocopy.

Until now, said Kalpika, no motorbike owner has taken the vehicle parked in the middle yard of the South Denpasar Police.

Kalpika also reminded that every owner who wants to take his motorbike must attend the trial and pay a fine for the violation.

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